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Passeggiata Musicale. Leonardo Da Vinci
Various composers

ALTA Early Music Ensemble

Passeggiata Musicale. Leonardo Da Vinci

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Ayros
UPC: 5902768283136
Catnr: AYCD 07
Release date: 05 March 2021
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Catalogue number
Release date
05 March 2021

About the album

To Renaissance court of Ludovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan, arrived an eccentric thirty-yearold man from Florence. It was 1482. He was a mathematician, anatomist, philosopher, constructor, astronomer... But not many people know, that he was also a musician. One of his 16th century biographers wrote, that the Sforzas hired Leonardo not as a painter nor architect, but – what might surprise us – as a musician and a party organizer of impeccable manners.
Leonardo called music a worse sister of painting, because a painting lasts forever and music has no material form. It exists only in the moment of the performance, moreover – it dies in the moment of the birth. That’s why music couldn’t stand comparison to architecture or sculpture.
None of Leonardo’s musical compositions survived, but apart from many drawings and fragments of treatises, in his notebooks there are also rebuses and... musical riddles, all written in mirror reflection. In at least 18 riddles, Leonardo da Vinci used musical notation. These musical „games” were not only notes, but they created sentences, because according to solmisation, a method created by Guido of Arezzo, every note has its own name – ‘ut’ (later replaced by a much easier to pronounce ‘do’), ‘re’, ‘mi’, ‘fa’, ‘sol’, ‘la’, ‘si’. When put into shape, with decoded meaning of the text, they turn out to be incredibly powerful, hypnotic and nostalgic melodies.
An den Renaissance-Hof von Ludovico Sforza, dem Herzog von Mailand, kam ein exzentrischer dreißigjähriger Mann aus Florenz. Man schrieb das Jahr 1482. Er war ein Mathematiker, Anatom, Philosoph, Konstrukteur, Astronom... Aber nicht viele Menschen wissen, dass er auch ein Musiker war. Einer seiner Biographen aus dem 16. Jahrhundert schrieb, dass die Sforza Leonardo nicht als Maler oder Architekt anheuerten, sondern - was uns überraschen mag - als Musiker und Festveranstalter mit tadellosen Manieren.
Leonardo nannte die Musik eine ärgere Schwester der Malerei, weil ein Gemälde ewig dauert und die Musik keine materielle Form hat. Sie existiert nur im Moment der Aufführung, mehr noch - sie stirbt im Moment der Entstehung. Deshalb konnte die Musik dem Vergleich mit der Architektur oder der Bildhauerei nicht standhalten.
Keine von Leonardos musikalischen Kompositionen hat überlebt, aber neben vielen Zeichnungen und Fragmenten von Abhandlungen finden sich in seinen Notizbüchern auch Rebusse und... musikalische Rätsel, alle in Spiegelschrift geschrieben. In mindestens 18 Rätseln verwendete Leonardo da Vinci musikalische Notation. Diese musikalischen "Spiele" waren nicht nur Noten, sondern sie bildeten Sätze, denn nach der Solmisation, einer von Guido von Arezzo geschaffenen Methode, hat jede Note ihren eigenen Namen - "ut" (später ersetzt durch ein viel leichter auszusprechendes "do"), "re", "mi", "fa", "sol", "la", "si". Wenn sie in Form gebracht werden, mit entschlüsselter Bedeutung des Textes, erweisen sie sich als unglaublich kraftvolle, hypnotische und nostalgische Melodien.


ALTA Early Music Ensemble

The ensemble of historical instruments Alta concentrates on promoting early music with special focus on the music of Polish and European Renaissance. At the beginning connected with The Lublin Castle, it broadened its activity step by step and today it performs with great successes in Poland and abroad. It took part in Polish and international festivals, such as Knights Festival in Israel, International Festival “Salesian Summer” in Przemyśl or Festiwal Piotra z Grudziądza, and its members have performed in France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Mexico and Ecuador. In the concerts the artists present the sound of historical instruments, such as lutes, shawms, pommers, cornamuse, viola da gamba, recorders, vielle and hurdy-gurdy.
The ensemble of historical instruments Alta concentrates on promoting early music with special focus on the music of Polish and European Renaissance. At the beginning connected with The Lublin Castle, it broadened its activity step by step and today it performs with great successes in Poland and abroad. It took part in Polish and international festivals, such as Knights Festival in Israel, International Festival “Salesian Summer” in Przemyśl or Festiwal Piotra z Grudziądza, and its members have performed in France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Mexico and Ecuador. In the concerts the artists present the sound of historical instruments, such as lutes, shawms, pommers, cornamuse, viola da gamba, recorders, vielle and hurdy-gurdy.



Josquin Desprez

The fact that Josquin Desprez would turn out to be one of the most influential composers of the Renaissance, is partly due to the many praises by Martin Luther. Luther saw Josquin's music as the perfect example of how to express text musically while maintaining the intended meaning. If you listen to Josquin's music, you will know what Luther meant. His motets are particularly appealing and engaging.  His popularity led a large number of publishers to publish music with Josquin's name on it, even though it wasn't composed by him at all, as this would undoubtedly generate better sales. Unfortunately, this meant that nowadays it is not always clear which works are written by him, and which are not...  His authentic works,...

The fact that Josquin Desprez would turn out to be one of the most influential composers of the Renaissance, is partly due to the many praises by Martin Luther. Luther saw Josquin's music as the perfect example of how to express text musically while maintaining the intended meaning. If you listen to Josquin's music, you will know what Luther meant. His motets are particularly appealing and engaging.

His popularity led a large number of publishers to publish music with Josquin's name on it, even though it wasn't composed by him at all, as this would undoubtedly generate better sales. Unfortunately, this meant that nowadays it is not always clear which works are written by him, and which are not... His authentic works, however, can be distinguished by their remarkable clarity, ingenuity and depth. Some highlights are his motets Miserere mei, Stabat Mater, his famous Ave Maria, Ut Phoebi Radiis, and his lamentation after the death of Johannes Ockeghem (La Déploration).



Play album Play album
(Leonardo da Vinci) Malwina Borkowicz, Aleksandra Joanna Hanus, ALTA Early Music Ensemble
Trionfo de Bacco e Ariadna
(Josquin Desprez) Malwina Borkowicz, Aleksandra Joanna Hanus, ALTA Early Music Ensemble
Ostinato vo’ seguire
(Bartolomeo Tromboncino) Malwina Borkowicz, Aleksandra Joanna Hanus, ALTA Early Music Ensemble
L’amore là sol mi fa remirare
(Leonardo da Vinci) Malwina Borkowicz, Aleksandra Joanna Hanus, ALTA Early Music Ensemble
Dilla dal Aqua
(Francesco Patavino) Malwina Borkowicz, Aleksandra Joanna Hanus, ALTA Early Music Ensemble
Un cavalier di Spagna
(Francesco Patavino) Malwina Borkowicz, Aleksandra Joanna Hanus, ALTA Early Music Ensemble
Calata alla spagnola
(Joan Antonio Dalza) Malwina Borkowicz, Aleksandra Joanna Hanus, ALTA Early Music Ensemble
Venere “Vera la Schiuma”, canto ad lyram
(Angelo Poliziano) Malwina Borkowicz, Aleksandra Joanna Hanus, ALTA Early Music Ensemble
Romanesca – chi vuol bevere – Pesaro Ms,
(Angelo Poliziano) Malwina Borkowicz, Aleksandra Joanna Hanus, ALTA Early Music Ensemble
Ben venga Maggio
(Angelo Poliziano) Malwina Borkowicz, Aleksandra Joanna Hanus, ALTA Early Music Ensemble
Mille regretz
(Josquin Desprez) Malwina Borkowicz, Aleksandra Joanna Hanus, ALTA Early Music Ensemble
L’amore mi fa solazzare
(Leonardo da Vinci) Malwina Borkowicz, Aleksandra Joanna Hanus, ALTA Early Music Ensemble
Ingenio musicale
(Leonardo da Vinci) Malwina Borkowicz, Aleksandra Joanna Hanus, ALTA Early Music Ensemble
Non e tempo d’aspettare
(Marchetto Cara) Malwina Borkowicz, Aleksandra Joanna Hanus, ALTA Early Music Ensemble
Tant que vivray
(Claudin de Sermisy) Malwina Borkowicz, Aleksandra Joanna Hanus, ALTA Early Music Ensemble
J’attends secours - viola organista
(Claudin de Sermisy) Malwina Borkowicz, Aleksandra Joanna Hanus, ALTA Early Music Ensemble
J’attends secours - virginal
(Claudin de Sermisy) Malwina Borkowicz, Aleksandra Joanna Hanus, ALTA Early Music Ensemble
L’amour, la mort et la vie
(Clément Janequin) Aleksandra Joanna Hanus, Malwina Borkowicz, ALTA Early Music Ensemble
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